Hidden Water Risks Hit Germany
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
According to the Report by WWF Germany, Many Products Imported into the German Economy Face High Water-related Risks in Their Countries of Origin
In comparison to other countries, water resources in Germany are sufficiently availableand well governed. However, being the world's third biggest import nation, Germany isdependent on goods and resources from abroad.
Most of these goods inherit so-called waterrisks, since they originate in locations with water scarcity, deteriorating water quality, weakgovernance and regulatory challenges, poor infrastructure, and fragileecosystems.
"Water is a burning issue of the world today", says Philipp Wagnitz, responsible for water riskwork at WWF Germany and one author of the study. "Rising populations, changingconsumption patterns, and climate change already directly affect water availability and qualityin many river basins, which puts additional pressure on politics, companies and the society."
Based on a combination of their high water dependence and exposure to water risks, six sectors
were selected and analyzed.
For example, textiles & apparel form Bangladesh and India,extractives from Libya and South Africa, agriculture from Indonesia and Argentina or chemicalsfrom China are important to the German economy and showing high water risks.
To become good water stewards, German companies should identify their risks, impacts, andresponsibilities related to water and mitigate their risks by implementing water stewardshipstrategies.
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