How a StartUp replaced SCADA based water quality monitoring system and saved 60% of operational cost

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How a StartUp replaced SCADA based water quality monitoring system and saved 60% of operational cost

An astounding $470 million was raised in 2021 by water start-ups across 90 countries, according to GWI WaterData estimates. Innovative water-related goods and solutions are one of the most promising areas for start-ups today. The most well-known example of a start-up company that has seen a significant return on investor capital is Kar IOT, a Chennai-based business.In order to inspire others who have always wanted to work with water, today our feature is about the KarIOT startup.

Who is Kar IOT?

In recent years, different articles, books, and publications have indicated that the following five categories of challenges must be handled promptly to ensure effective management of water resources without jeopardising revenue and sustenance:

  1. Overexploitation of water.
    There is a lack of water infrastructure to monitor fair usage and efficiently use recovered water for alternative activities such as car washing and gardening.

  2. Zero-loss Preventive Measures
    Absence of an observation mechanism to notify or advise a consumer of any leaks or quality variations.

  3. Scarcity of quality water.
    With insufficient access to safe, inexpensive, and accessible water, the quality of existing water requires careful assessment.

  4. Lack of Data Transparency
    Manual data collection is prone to clerical errors, and a lack of digital data makes it impossible to estimate or analyse water requirements.

  5. PLC/SCADA systems demand significant investment  for installation, licensing, infrastructure, qualified operators, and daily report downloads.

KarIoT, a top seven startup in Tamil Nadu, is transforming water delivery through AMRUT 2.0. With 20 units installed and 518 more under construction with Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board(CMWSSB), they are transforming Chennai into an example of smart water management.


What is their product?

They have developed IoT based system connected to various electromagnetic/ultrasonic/mechanical based flowmeters and water quality sensors(pH, BOD, COD, Chlorine and TDS) for real-time online monitoring(cloud-based), Instant Alerts, Data Analysis, Smart management, automatic pump controller, bill generation, SCADA/RTU like services.

What are the achievements of the startup till now?

Digitally enabled water delivery infrastructure that allows real-time monitoring, evidence-based policymaking, automated alerts, energy audits, and remote control of water valves, ensuring efficient and reliable water supply.

Example locations where they have installed the above smart water management mechanism :

In some places like Ganesh Towers, Chennai, the KarIOT was used for the implementation of Automatic Water Billing & Management

What is their Vision for the future?

As per their website, their main aim is to provide consumers “complete remote water management system merged with Artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things”.

Which organizations are their prospective clients?


  1. Water Treatment and Distribution Organizations(Govt/Pvt)

  2. Big Residential Complexes

  3. Gram Panchayats

  4. Industries which use water as their raw material

  5. Discoms

Which organization are their competition?

WEGoT-IoT-based water management startup uses its proprietary IoT device and software to cut down water demand by more than 50 per cent by detecting drop spills and water theft in real-time.

Kritsnam Technologies: The startup offers water management solutions to governments and bulk water users using IoT-enabled ground sensors, remote sensing and user input data for sustainable use of freshwater for agriculture and drinking purposes.

Digital Ecoinnovision: They offer IOT and software-powered management tools to transform plants from non-functional to treating 100% of sewage to high-quality standards even while saving 20% energy and 50% labour costs.

Vassar Labs: Vassar Labs, a social impact startup, offers Smart Water Management solutions that leverage IoT, AI and ML.

Ekatvam – Water Accounting

Read the entire article in HydroGeek.

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