In-tank Aeration

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In-tank Aeration

PAX Water Technologies and Aqua Metrology Systems Unveiled the Installation of an Innovative in-tank Aeration System at San Jose Water Company

Richmond-basedPAX Water Technologiesand Sunnyvale-basedAqua Metrology Systemsunveiled the installation of an innovative in-tank aeration system at San Jose Water Company. The system, installed byUtility Service Group, is being deployed in a 12 million-gallon water storage tank to maintain high water quality during the drought.

Trihalomethanes (THMs) are formed when the chlorine used to disinfect and purify water reacts with natural organic matter and are regulated under the U.S. EPA's Stage 2 Disinfectant and Disinfection Byproduct Rule. Due to the California drought, organic matter in rivers and lakes has become more concentrated and municipalities are reporting higher THM levels.

In-tank aeration works by creating droplets and bubbles at the water's surface, allowing THMs to escape and be ventilated out of the water tank. "In-tank aeration simply mimics a natural process that exists in mountain streams and rivers and introduces it into the man-made water distribution system," explains PAX Water Technologies CEO Dr. Peter S. Fiske.

Source: PRWeb

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