Infographic on How Treatment Tech Combats Water Scarcity
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
Dow recently releaseda new water reuse infographicthat explains how the three-step process of microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light can treat wastewater, promote water reuse, and help reduce global water scarcity
Global water scarcity and an increasing population worldwide make wastewater treatment and recycling one strategy for economic development. Large volumes of wastewater are generated daily in every community and at water-intensive industrial facilities. As the demand for water grows, so does demand for the treatment and reuse of this water, according to Dow Water and Process Solutions (Edina, Minn.)website.
Dow recently releaseda new water reuse infographicthat explains how the three-step process of microfiltration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light can treat wastewater, promote water reuse, and help reduce global water scarcity. Combined, these technologies also are driving energy efficiency and cost savings in municipal and industrial wastewater reclamation processes and are helping customers and communities meet more stringent discharge requirements for waters they cannot directly reuse, the website says.
According to the infographic
- recycled wastewater will be a normalized source of drinking water in cities around the world within 30 years;
- 70% of generated treated wastewater comes from high-income countries; and
- Perth, Australia will receive as much as 20% of its drinking water from reclaimed resources in coming decade
Source: WEF