Innovative system uses bamboo to treat wastewater

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Innovative system uses bamboo to treat wastewater

The quality of water is a worldwide concern. Now more than ever, competent and responsible management of water resources, and especially wastewater treatment, is needed to reduce the impact of human activities on the environment and to ensure that future generations have a safe and plentiful water supply.

The EU project BRITER-WATER ('Market replication of bamboo remediation of food industry effluent grey water for re-use') looked at developing and demonstrating an innovative wastewater treatment system using bamboo.

Frédéric Panfili of France's Phytorem and the project's scientific manager says the system looks like nothing more than a bamboo plantation, easily blending in with the surrounding landscape. The system is designed to treat 'grey water' - wastewater that does not contain sewage or toxic chemicals.

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