Introducing New Book on Desalination Project Cost Estimating and Management

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Introducing New Book on Desalination Project Cost Estimating and Management

At4MPYa.pngDesalination Project Cost Estimating and Management  by Nikolay Voutchkov, a president of Water Globe Consultants , examines the key issues associated with the estimation of costs for desalination plants.

It covers all aspects of desalination project cost estimating and management: direct and indirect capital costs, fixed and variable operation and maintenance costs, and total costs for water production. In addition, it provides a detailed overview of the factors that influence project costs and discusses the technological and project delivery methods to control and optimize project costs. The book includes cost curves for the most commonly used seawater desalination facilities and numeric examples illustrating how to prepare a budgetary cost estimate for a typical desalination project.


Find more about it on CRC Press.

