Introducing Water, Peace & Security Partnership (Video)

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Introducing Water, Peace & Security Partnership (Video)

Water insecurity is increasing worldwide. 36% of the world’s people live in water-scarce regions. On average, droughts affect over 50 million people annually and cause more than $5 billion of damage.

These numbers are set to increase, due to population growth, rapid urbanisation, and growing economic demands for water. Climate change further intensifies these pressures in many regions. In most cases, these threats are not just the result of weather variability, but are also related to inadequate water management and governance issues. These dynamics render societies more vulnerable to short term water scarcity and longer-term droughts, while directly affecting local economies and social relations.

In response, the Water, Peace and Security partnership is designing innovative tools and services that identify water shortage-related security risks. These tools and services demonstrate changes in short term water availability and their impacts on societies, and link them to both hydrological as well as social, economic and political factors. Based on this information, evidence-based actions can be triggered to prevent or mitigate human security risks. 

The WPS will promote this by raising awareness, developing capacities and supporting dialogue.

Source: Deltares on YouTube

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