Japan to Test Tritium Removal Technologies

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Japan to Test Tritium Removal Technologies

Japan Has Selected Three Overseas Companies to Construct Demonstration Projects to Verify the Suitability of Their Technologies for Removing Tritium from Contaminated Fukushima Water

Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced on 26 August that it had selected the USA's Kurion, GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Canada and Russia's FSUE Radioactive Waste Management Enterprise (RosRAO) to demonstrate their respective tritium separation technologies.

METI launched a request for proposals for water decontamination measures last September, with the closing date for offers being 23 October 2013.

An expert review panel from the International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning reviewed the proposals. It said that although many proposalsbeen received, "There was no proposal that showed an immediate applicability" to the removal of tritium from contaminated water at Fukushima Daiichi.

The government's committee on countermeasures for contaminated water treatment said in December, "Since technologies that have a quick effect in separating tritium have not been found after collecting technical proposals from both inside and outside of Japan, it will be necessary in the future to assess measures proposed in response to our requests for information."

The aim of the demonstration projects isboth toverify the tritium separation technology and also to assess the construction and operating costs for full-scale implementation of the technology at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The technology must be capable of removing tritium from water with concentrations of 0.6 and 4.2 million bequerels per litre and to be expandable to process more than 400 cubic metres per day.

Source: World - Nuclear

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