Kamstrup and Vodafone Achieve 98% Smart Meter Accuracy in NB-IOT Pilot

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Kamstrup and Vodafone Achieve 98% Smart Meter Accuracy in NB-IOT Pilot

Smart metering solutions firm Kamstrup has in early 2018 announced the success of a smart water metering pilot implemented in Valencia.

The aim of the pilot was to test the ability of narrowband internet of things (NB-IoT) communications network for smart water meter data telemetry.

Kamstrup provided its MULTICAL® 21 water meters featuring a NB-IoT bridge and Meter Data Management system READy Manager, whilst Vodafone supplied the communications network.

The trial ran from mid-July 2017 in partnership with communications firm Vodafone and water utility Global Omnium.

The communications network enabled the three parties to achieve 98% accuracy in reading and sending water usage data.

The pilot also highlighted areas that need to be addressed to ensure NB-IoT smart water meters achieve 100% meter reading accuracy and data telemetry.

Read the full story on SmartEnergy.com

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