LINX water purification: The future of clean drinking water

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LINX water purification: The future of clean drinking water

Do you know how much water you're wasting using reverse osmosis to purify your drinking water? LINX Drinking Water Systems has products that use electricity to purify their water rather than reverse osmosis, which has been used for years in the past, according to the company.

Don Durham, director of operations for Rayne Water Conditioning, explained how this new system, which has been available worldwide for about three years but is new to the area, manages to conserve water and still provide a fresh, clean taste to its consumers.

"Reverse osmosis uses pressure to push water through the membrane filter and blocks out impurities, while with LINX, water is not pressured and goes around the membrane and uses electricity to eliminate impurities," he said. LINX is more efficient in means of water filtration and conservation. Reverse osmosis wastes 6,935 gallons of water in order to make 365 gallons of clean drinking water, according to LINX, which is how much the average family uses annually, while LINX wastes only 110 gallons of water to make the same amount of drinking water, according to the company.

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