Low Cost LED Technology for Water Monitoring

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Low Cost LED Technology for Water Monitoring

PMA Ltd Introduces i::scan - a New Low Cost LED Technology Based Multi-parameter Spectrophotometer

FromcostsensitiveUVTransmissivitymonitoringtomultiparameterorganics/Turbidity/UV254applications,fromsmall unmanned plantsto large distribution networks, the i::scan has it covered. The new i::scan combines the high performance of a multi wavelengthLED basedspectrophotometer withcompetitive pricing and electronic filtration of dissolved compounds from solids.

S::cans latest product, thei::scaniscompact, precise robust and very affordable! The removal of non-dissolved substances isanimportant goalfordrinking water treatment.The i::scan_turbiditycan beused bypotablewater utilities ina myriad of applications and locations, either at treatment works, or out within pressurised water main networks.

Turbidity/Colour/Organics/UVTarealso key parameters for raw and process water monitoring including disinfection.The natural waters used asthesource for drinking water production, as well as waters used for other purposes such as energy production or coolingcan now be monitored deep within catchment areas such that source water selection and/or blending can be achieved.

Only i::scan is capable of crossing so many boundaries into so many applications

Source: Envirotech Online

