MachineryGuide Offers Guidance for Agriculture

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MachineryGuide Offers Guidance for Agriculture

With the help of MachineryGuide, the cultivated area and overlaps can be displayed. The guidance application helps farmers in edging along the ideal track by gearing to straight reference lines

With the application and an antenna from MachineryGuide, farmerscan havea simple precision guidance applicationto improve yield growth, increasingefficiency. Also, fertilizer and pesticide use can be optimized, while machine costs and work hours can be lowered by up to 10 percent, the app designers said.

The application is aimed at managers of small- and medium-sized farms andcan be used on a smartphone or tablet. Ademo can be downloaded fromGooglePlay— the free version can not connect to a real GPS device, but all the functions of the program can be tested.

MachineryGuide sells the software separately; a GNSS receiver + antenna separately; andapackage bundle that includes software, GNSS receiver and antenna.The antennaiscapable of receiving and processing free corrections (EGNOS, WAAS).

Source: GPS World


