Microsoft to Raise Awareness of Water Issues

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Microsoft to Raise Awareness of Water Issues

ONE DROP is pleased to announce an innovative collaboration with Microsoft to raise awareness of water issues worldwide and leverage technology to empower philanthropy

The ONE DROP of Life app, launched at theUSAPavilion titled American Food 2.0: United to Feed the Planet at Expo Milan 2015 (expected to receive over 20 million visitors), is a creative way for young and old to learn the facts about water while having fun… and passing time while waiting in line! The app is available for download on Microsoft, Android and iOS mobile devices and tablets. To date, the app has already received over 100,000 downloads and positive reviews from around the world.

This initiative comes on the heels of Microsoft's collaboration with ONE DROP through the sponsorship ofOne Nightfor ONE DROP, imagined by Cirque du Soleil, ONE DROP's flagship fundraising event held inLas Vegasannually. The creative team used Microsoft Surface technology to re-invent and re-imagine this unique one-time only show in 2015.

"We feel privileged to have the technological support of Microsoft on these initiatives. We are very much aligned in our shared belief that empowering individuals and communities is the key to re-thinking new kinds of sustainable solutions to pressing global challenges," statesCatherine B. Bachand, CEO, ONE DROP. "Microsoft has empowered us through its technology so that we, in turn, can empower the communities where we work through the provision of safe water and sanitation."

Source: PR Newswire

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