Mobile App That Reads Meters

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Mobile App That Reads Meters

Improving customer service, increasing operational efficiency and maintaining employee safety just became easier with mobileRDM, Mueller Systems easy-to-use smart phone application that enables water utility workers to read meters and connect or disconnect service from the safety of their vehicles

With the mobileRDM application, utility workers can remotely check the status of service connections, read meters, and connect or disconnect water service all from an Android smart phone using a 2-way radio connection. The application doesnt require an automated meter reading or advanced metering infrastructure system, but it can be used on any existing system. Another benefit of the application is that utilities can deploy it incrementally and expand its use to other geographic service areas without significant capital expenditures.

The mobileRDM application allows water utilities to manage their systems in a smarter way without having to invest in an automated meter reading or advanced metering infrastructure system, said Hassan Ali, vice president and general manager of Mueller Systems. With its simple, easy-to-use design and scalable technology, utilities can incrementally deploy the mobileRDM application and expand its use or implement a complete AMR/AMI system as their needs evolve.

While parked within 1,000 feet of a service connection fitted with a 420 RDM, Mueller Systems remote disconnect meter, utility workers simply push a button for the function they wish to perform. The mobileRDM application then sends a high frequency radio signal directly to the meter. The meter sends back meter readings, system status or confirmation that water service has been connected or disconnected.

Mueller Systems is an affiliate of Mueller Water Products, Inc. (NYSE:MWA), a leading North American manufacturer and marketer of products and services that are used in the transmission, distribution and measurement of water.

Source: IT Business

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