Modern Water Collaborates to Launch International Forward Osmosis Association

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Modern Water Collaborates to Launch International Forward Osmosis Association

Modern Water plc (AIM:MWG), the owner of leading water technologies for the productionof fresh water and monitoring of water quality, has, together with Hydration TechnologyInnovations, Trevi Systems and Porifera, recentlylaunched the International ForwardOsmosis Association to promote Forward Osmosis technology throughout industry andacademia. The IFOA was set up to promote a global understanding, development and use forForward Osmosis and provides a voice between its membership and the generalpublic; promote industry standards and terminology; provide a professional network forinformation exchange; and encourage cooperation between industry and governmentinstitutions. The Association additionally offers an opportunity to network with peersinvolved in Forward Osmosis and learn more about the latest Forward Osmosisapplications at its Annual World Summit. Registration for this year's Summit will openon 1stMay and be held in Lisbon, Portugal between 18th- 19thSeptember. Simon Humphrey, Modern Water CEO, said: "Modern Water is delighted to be part of thisindustry association which is an important step forward to promoting awareness of ForwardOsmosis technology." Source

