More Dams Not Smart New Report Concludes

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More Dams Not Smart New Report Concludes

Associate Professor Vervoort Says Any Move to Build New Dams is not a Smart Idea and Flies in the Face of New Technological Advances Necessary in Making Agriculture More Profitable and Efficient

The new dams is poor policy says Associate Professor Willem Vervoort, from the University of Sydney's Faculty of Agriculture and Environment.

The suggestion was made in the Federal Government'sagriculture Green Paper,published earlier this week.

"Using dams to secure water supply is similar to using a sledgehammer to kill a fly. Yes, it will kill the fly, but it is a fairly inefficient way of doing it, and you might destroy other valuable items on the way," said Associate Professor Vervoort.

He says dams store lots of water, but also lose large amounts through high evaporation and seepage.

He says dams have a limited life span due to sedimentation and are known to have unintended upstream and downstream impacts.

"While dams can provide some buffering of water supply in droughts, in the last millennium drought this buffering clearly was insufficient.

"The proposal continues the false perception that water going to the sea is ‘lost' and can be used more productively."

Associate Professor Vervoort says thatthe suggestion of new dams in the Green Paper also seems in conflict with the investment in water use efficiency and water buybacks in the Murray-Darling Basin and a move away from the Howard-era National Water Initiative (2004) and the National Plan for Water Security (2007), which can now be recognised as major steps forward in national water resource management.

He notes that the policy paper states that Australia should be delivering a high value agricultural product that is seen as 'green, clean and safe'.

Associate Professor Vervoort says Australia needs to accelerate its use of smart solutions to achieve this, 'including through better crop varieties, more efficient water application, smarter irrigation layouts, connecting nutrient and water management, better on-farm data collection and interpretation, and more education and training'.

Source: ABC

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