National Centre for Resilience to be Established

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National Centre for Resilience to be Established

The Scottish Government Announceda New National Centre ThatWill Work On Improvement of the Response to Flooding Emergencies

Scotland's resilience capabilities will be boosted by a new national centre in Dumfries that will help improve responses to issues such as flooding.

The new centre, situated at Crichton Campus, will also act as a national hub; coordinating work to understand how best communities and local emergency responders can prepare for an anticipated increase in natural hazard events as a result of climate change.

The centre will look to support and help coordinate:

  • Further improvement in Scotland's resilience to natural hazards such as severe weather and flooding, augmenting existing systems and complement work of partners such as Adaptation Scotland
  • Building community resilience across Scotland, learning from existing good practice across the South of Scotland
  • Improvement in the protection and resilience of Scotland's communities to flooding
  • Development of Scotland's resilience research capability
  • Provision of resilience training and development opportunities and ensuring the identification and sharing of good practice
  • Improvement in local multi-agency resilience arrangements and evaluation of the benefits to responders of investment in flood warning technology in the region

Partners in this ambitious and wide-ranging project include Dumfries and Galloway Council, Met Office, SEPA and emergency response organisations such as Police Scotland and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service as well as the Scottish Funding Council and the Crichton Trust.

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) is leading work to harness the research capacity on resilience across Scotland. They will support development of a new Research Centre of Excellence for Scotland by leading a workshop involving academia, the Met Office, industry and other stakeholders. A panel will assess a proposal from a consortium prior to any Funding Council award.

Source: The Scottish Government

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