National Petition for Rainwater Harvesting

Published on by in Government

National Petition for Rainwater Harvesting

ARCSA Has Joined Other Supporters of Rainwater Harvesting, Petitioning the President to Stimulate This Job-creating Trade

The petition reads as follows:


…to stimulate the emerging rainwater-harvesting industry through legislation or executive order, creating new jobs in design, installation, education, R&D, sales, plumbing, landscaping, roofing, monitoring and maintenance, which could propel the U.S. to international leadership, with compounding fiscal benefits.

The many justifications include:

* Worldwide demand for clean water exceeds supply.

* Rainwater can help fill the gap and reduce stormwater pollution.

* One inch of rain is over 600 gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. of roof.

* Rainwater is a valuable resource that reduces demand on water infrastructure.

* A new national standard, ARCSA/ASPE/ANSI 63 details safe design & installation.

* Treated rainwater can easily surpass EPA standards.

Source: Press Release

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