NatureSweet Conserves Water for Sustainability

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NatureSweet Conserves Water for Sustainability

Companies Sixth Annual Sustainability Report Serves as a Benchmark to Efficiently Utilizing the Resources

This marks NatureSweet's sixth annual Sustainability Report, which has served as a benchmark to better manage and more efficiently utilize the resources needed to grow great-tasting tomatoes year-round.

Our company continues to strengthen a culture that recognizes the importance of resource conservation and sustainable goals, and — above all — ensures that associates are the company's top priority and can benefit from initiatives NatureSweet has put in place.

In 2013, a total of 29 injuries were reported in all of NatureSweet'sfacilities in Mexico and Arizona.

In Mexico, injuries decreased from 15 in 2012 to 13 in 2013, demonstratinga continued downward trend since 2008. The safety improvements in Mexico are attributed, in part, tocontinued investments in safety equipment provided for associates installing and repairing greenhouse plasticsas well as safety training conducted during orientation.

In Arizona, the company will work to reduce injuriesthrough improved resources and training.

Environmental& ProductSustainability

NatureSweet relies on having access to sufficientfresh water supplies to grow the high-qualityproducts consumers expect, and must use freshwater as responsibly and efficiently as possible.

In particular, NatureSweet is taking into accountthe increasing demands on water supplies due todroughts that have affected the regions in which thecompany grows its tomatoes as well as the growingpopulations that have put more demand on watersupplies in Mexico and Arizona.


NatureSweet maintains itscommitment to being a goodsteward of these resources andidentifying ways in which itsassociates and company as a wholecan maximize the efficient use ofnatural resources, while minimizingthe environmental impact.


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