Nestlé to Raise Awareness About Water

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Nestlé to Raise Awareness About Water

Nestlé Waters and the non-governmental organization Project WET have renewed their global partnership, facilitating the continued expansion of water education amongst educators and children around the world for another four years

World Water Day, organized each year onMarch 22ndby the United Nations, provides an opportunity for Nestlé Waters and Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and hydration.

Nestlé Waters and the non-governmental organization Project WET have renewed their global partnership, facilitating the continued expansion of water education amongst educators and children around the world for another four years.

"Two decades of support from Nestle Waters have enabled Project WET to bring hands-on, action-oriented water education to people in places that we could not have reached on our own. We are eager to continue to expand the scope of our work with Nestle Waters in this renewed partnership," saysDennis Nelson, President and CEO of Project WET Foundation.

Project WET

Project WET is a US-based NGO that develops educational tools to increase water literacy around the world amongst educators and children.

20-year partnership : Nestlé Waters first partnered with Project WET in 1992

#1 global water education organization

More than 30 years of experience in water education

300 original science teaching methods

Project WET Foundation

WWD 2010 - 2015


34 countries mobilized
700* employees involved
9000* children educated
10 lessons


18 countries mobilized
169 employees involved
4645 children educated
8 lessons

*estimated data

About Nestlé Waters: Founded in 1992, Nestlé Waters is the water division of the Nestlé Group. Nestlé Waters employs more than 30,000 people and is present in 130 countries with a portfolio of more than 59 brands including Nestlé Pure Life, Perrier, S. Pellegrino, Poland Spring, Vittel, Buxton, Erikli.

Source: NewsWire

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