New 3D Printed Solar Water Purifier

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New 3D Printed Solar Water Purifier

Les Hall Has Come up with3D Printed Invention, Which Has the Potential to Provide Clean Drinking Water to Millions Around the World

Solar Water Purifier, the device was 3D print within a couple hours and can be placed somewhere in the middle of an empty two liter plastic bottle which has been cut into two sections. The ring-like device fits onto the bottom half of the bottle, and then the upper half is placed on top. Unpurified water should be poured into the bottom half of the bottle prior to placing the top half back on. Once assembled, like shown in the video below, the bottle can be placed out in the sun to allow nature's purification method, evaporation, to take place.

As the water evaporates and then condenses, it will accumulate on the inner walls of the upper section of the bottle, and then slowly work its way down, dripping into the tray of the3D printedring. The water in the ring is purified, and thusdrinkable.

Such adevice could be used in 3rd world island nations such as Haiti, which ironically is surrounded by the very resource they lack. It could be usedto desalinate the country's abundant sea water. Haiti is just one of the dozens of nations, particularly in Africa and South America, who could put such a device to use.

Hall, 47, said that since he was a child he has always wanted to ‘make the world a better place'. Well, this might just be his calling. He has decided to make his design, which he calls a prototype, available for free download and improvement, hoping to generate enough interest to get his invention to those who need it most.

Source: 3D Print

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