New Approaches to Clean Drinking Water Tech

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New Approaches to Clean Drinking Water Tech

Seven Drinkable Water Solutions & Innovations toEnsure a Steady Supply of Fresh Water

In some areas, drilling a well can provide more water locally, assuming that there is enough groundwater to supply a new well, but in other locations, that simply isn't an option.

MIT Turns Solar Steam Into Cheaper Energy, Clean Water

: A new solar steam generator uses a graphite-based system to continuously absorb and evaporate liquid. Along with its potential power uses, the solar steam system will be able to desalinate and/or decontaminate impure and waste water.

New System Turns Cow Manure into Clean Water: By combining an anaerobic digester with a filtration and reverse osmosis system, an idea that began to be developed at Michigan State University (MSU) matured into a system that can turn cow manure into clean water, while also capturing essential nutrients that can be reused as fertilizer.

Can Cloud Power Supply Both Clean Water and Clean Energy?: A "cloud power" device is part airship, part fog/cloud collector, and part hydroelectric plant. The system is dubbed anAir HES (air hydroelectric station), and the inventor claims that it could essentially harvest water from clouds, and send it down to a hydro power plant on the ground, yielding both clean water (for drinking, irrigation, etc.) and clean electricity.

Towing Icebergs For Clean Water: Towing icebergs to supply fresh water isn't a new idea, but it is one that could show some merit, assuming the approach to finding, transporting, and processing the icebergs doesn't require more money and resources than other clean water technologies.

Toilet to Tap: Orange County Turning Sewage Water into Drinking Water: The thought of drinking water that originally came from sewage isn't exactly appealing, but reusing wastewater after it's been through a microfiltration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet light, and hydrogen peroxide disinfection process might not be any different than other municipal water.

Researchers Propose Using Gas Hydrates Produced By Fracking To Desalinate Wastewater Produced By Fracking: Fracking is a very controversial practice among environmentalists and groundwater advocates, because of the potential for the contamination of water supplies, but some researchers believe that a byproduct of fracking could be used to clean up water that was contaminated by the fracking process.

Cleaning Water With Music CDs: Researchers have successfully grown tiny, upright zinc oxide nano-rods on CDs, which then work to break apart organic pollutants like those in sewage when illuminated with UV light.

Source: Ecopreneurist

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