New Aqualyte Membrane Tech by Dais Analytic

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New Aqualyte Membrane Tech by Dais Analytic

Dais Analytic Corporation, a commercial nanotechnology materials business selling its industry-changing technology into the worldwide  water markets, announced that the Company is preparing to release Version 4 (V4) of its Aqualyte™ material by adding features and improving the manufacturability of the revolutionary Aqualyte™ material 

Aqualyte™ -- the underlying technology for the entire Dais family of products, including ConsERV, fixed-plate Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV), and NanoClear, a high performance contaminated water clearing process -- represents the basis for a broad class of materials with unique features precisely managed by engineered processes.

Features of the Aqualyte™ technology include the ability to create hermetic composite membranes possessing excellent ion conduction, high moisture transfer, and high molecular selectivity. Dais' engineering process' manages these features to offer differentiated products like ConsERV and NanoClear that are targeting worldwide needs in the energy and water markets.

Key additions found in V4 include integrated web casting, and the availability of material wider roll widths. These and other improvements will allow Aqualyte™ to serve a wider variety of uses in the ConsERV or NanoClear target markets.

Over the course of the next several months, Dais will move V4 through a rigorous battery of test protocols designed to certify the material. Test areas include performance, functionality in application, aggressive advanced degradation tests, and impact on existing material handling and production procedures.

As is custom, the Company will work with its clients to educate them on the features, benefits, and potential production impact of using the V4 material. The targeted rollout for the updated product is Q3 2015 with full conversion in early 2016.

"We are very pleased with the results and progress of this version of Aqualyte, especially as they were driven by feedback from the product development process, Dais' business growth, and customer feedback," said John Herrin, COO of Dais Analytic who, along with Brian Johnson, CTO of Dais, oversaw the Company's polymer and long-time vendor teams efforts during the Aqualyte™ improvement process.

"The current version of Aqualyte continues to outperform competition and drive commercial adoption. We anticipate that V4 will firmly position the product to accommodate a wider number of uses within key applications which should drive market penetration representing a significant portion of future deal flow, as well as overall revenue."

Source: CNN Money

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