New Biopolymer Extracted from Sludge for Use in Agriculture, Construction, Textile & Paper Industry

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New Biopolymer Extracted from Sludge for Use in Agriculture, Construction, Textile & Paper Industry

New bio-based resource extracted from aerobic granular sludge could be used in agriculture, the building sector, and the textile, and paper industries. Helping to secure the future, minimising waste and promoting waste reuse.

Nereda® wastewater treatment plant

Kaumera Nereda® Gum, is a new bio-based resource which is extracted from aerobic granular sludge originated from the Nereda® wastewater treatment process. This sustainable biopolymer is a valuable resource and a viable alternative to a variety of oil-based materials. The first large-scale Kaumera production unit has now been officially opened in Zutphen, with the second production unit in Epe coming online in Spring 2020.

Kaumera Applications:

Kaumera offers a wide variety of applications, making it a versatile, environmentally and economically beneficial product for use in agriculture, the building sector, and the textile and paper industries. One of its core features is its ability to both absorb or repel water, offering various opportunities:

Kaumera in development

Working in partnership since 2013, Water Authority Rijn en IJssel, Water Authority Vallei en Veluwe, STOWA, Delft University of Technology, Royal HaskoningDHV, Energie & Grondstoffen Fabriek and Chaincraft have combined research, expertise and investment to develop the extraction process of Kaumera.
Made possible by the European Commission through the LIFE programme.

The Future of Kaumera

The introduction of Kaumera offers a huge step forward for resource recovery and the circular water economy. Using Kaumera as a sustainable biopolymer decreases the amount of fossil resources and first-generation biomass required. In addition, Kaumera production decreases energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the wastewater treatment process. Nereda® technology is recognised worldwide in wastewater treatment, with more than 70 installations. Each Nereda installation has the potential to incorporate a Kaumera extraction unit, and Royal HaskoningDHV will be working with its customers to make this a reality.

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