New Insights into Polymer Research

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New Insights into Polymer Research

Study Findings from CREST Research Project Provide New Insights into Polymer Research [Enzymatic characterization of a depolymerase from the isolated bacterium Variovorax sp C34 that degrades poly(enriched lactate-co-3-hydroxybutyrate)]

j3gPL7o.jpgResearch findings on Polymer Research are discussed in a new report. According to news reporting out of Saitama, Japan, by NewsRx editors, research stated, " Poly[(R)-lactate-co-(R)-3-hydroxybutyratel [P(LA-co-3HB)] is a biobased polyester with semi transparent and flexible properties produced in engineered bacteria carrying an LA-polymerizing enzyme.

In this study, we attempted to isolate the P(enriched LA-co-3HB)-degrading bacteria from soil samples in order to identify enzymes with the capacity to degrade this new type of polymer."

journalists obtained a quote from the research from CREST Research Project, "Among approximately 500 samples, the Gram-negative bacterium 04, which exhibited potent P(enriched LA-co-3HB)-degrading activity, was isolated based on the decrease in the turbidity of culture medium supplemented with emulsified P(67 mol% LA-co-3HB)

Based on its 16S rDNA sequence, this isolated bacterium was identified as a member of Variovorax sp.. Next, we attempted to isolate and purify the depolymerase that contributes to the polymer degradation from the culture supernatant of strain C34 .

The purified enzyme had a molecular mass of 42 kDa and exhibited degradation activity towards the P(67 mol% LA-co-3HB) as well as 3HB homopolymer [P(3HB)], but not LA homopolymers (PDLA and PLLA). On the other hand, a well-characterized depolymerase of P(3HB) derived from Alcaligenes faecalis T1 did not degrade P(67 mol% LA-co-3HB), PDLA or PLLA."

According to the news editors, the research concluded: "This result suggests that the newly isolated depolymerase differs from the P(3HB) depolymerase from A. faecalis."

For more information on this research see: Enzymatic characterization of a depolymerase from the isolated bacterium Variovorax sp C34 that degrades poly(enriched lactate-co-3-hydroxybutyrate). Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2014;110():44-49. Polymer Degradation and Stability can be contacted at: Elsevier Sci Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, Oxon, England. (Elsevier -; Polymer Degradation and Stability -

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