New Study: Water Resources in Indiana
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Academic
Report on water resources in Indiana is released highlighting Water and Economic Development in Indiana
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- PressRelease
- Video(1minute,20seconds)
- StatewideMapofGeneralizedGroundwaterAvailability
Recognizing that water and its many uses - including municipal, industrial,agricultural, and recreational - are critical to economic growth andsustainability, several states are already implementing plans that integratethe management of this resource on a statewide basis.
The level ofinvestment in these efforts reflects the specific needs of the state and thelevel of commitment to water management. States like Texas and Floridaspend in excess of $500 million each year on water supply planning, whileothers like Minnesota and Oklahoma spend around $50 million each year onsimilar programs.
Developing and maintaining a vibrant economy in Indianameans investing in the state's water infrastructure.
An evaluation of thescope and magnitude of similar programs around the country and ananalysis ofavailable hydrologic data in Indiana suggests that water planningand analysis in the state will require substantial annual investments.
Ifwateris viewed as a priority, Indiana should begin drafting a comprehensive waterplan.
This report is a first step in that process.
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- Water Management