Newest NEWater Contractor Named in Singapore

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Newest NEWater Contractor Named in Singapore

Consortium Led by Bejing Enterprises Water Group and United Engineers Has Been Selected by PUB, Singapore's National Water Agency, as the Preferred Bidder for the Changi II NEWater Plant

The plant will employ MF/UF, RO and UV disinfection to reclaim secondary effluent, adding another 228,000 m3/d (60 MGD) of water to the nation's water supply.

The consortium was selected from seven bidders participating in an open tender, and will deliver the project under a 25-year design-build-own-operate (DBOO) arrangement at a first-year price of S$0.276/m3 ($0.218/m3; $0.83/kgal). The new plant will be located on the rooftop of the module two building at the Changi Water Reclamation Plant. It is scheduled to be operational in 2016.

Black & Veatch is the owner's engineer for the project.

The second NEWater Plant at Changi is PUB's third DBOO NEWater project between PUB and the private sector, the previous two being the 145,345 m3/d (38.4 MGD) Keppel-Seghers Ulu Pandan NEWater Plant and the 228,000 m3/d (60 MGD) SembCorp Changi NEWater Plant.

Source: Desalination

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