Nile Basin, Part III

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Nile Basin, Part III

Egypt is Almost Completely Reliant on the Water of the Nile, Which it Shares with SevenOther African Nations, Part III of a Series Exploring This Basin

There is a reason why Egyptians are alarmed by any mention of dams orother water infrastructure from the source of the Nile at the EquatorialLakesregion and along its path. ThiscradleofancientcivilizationshasalwaysoweditsexistencetotheflowofwaterintheNileandwillcontinueso. As referenced in Part II of this series, Egyptianswere alarmed by Ethiopia's decision to build Grand Ethiopian Renais-The Nile Basin: Egypt's Role inAfrica's Developmentby Hussein Askary and Dean Andromidas, Part IIIEIR FeatureOctober 10, 2014 EIR Feature 5sance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile, the largestsource and tributary of the Nile River. According to the 1959 Nile WatersAgreement between Sudan andEgypt, two countries receivedthe right to 85% of the annual flowof the Nile, where the WhiteNileand Blue Nile converge in Khartoum, with Sudangetting18.5 bilcubic meters, andEgypt, 55.5 billion. But this figureis misleading, as almost eighttimes this amount of water evaporates,or runs off along the way. Agreementbecamecontestedissue,as otherripariannationsfurtherupstreamwanttosignadealallowingthem to have more equal rights tothe water of the Nile. But the realissue is not equal shareof thewater, but the right to develop thewater resources so that each nationcan meet its needs and future developmentrequirements.

Source: LarouchePub

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