Novo Water Group Announces New Acquisition
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
Novo Water Group Inc.Announced the Acquisition of WaterGroup Companies from Culligan International Company Inc
The acquisition includes the U.S. operating company WaterGroup Inc., as wellas Canadian entities WaterGroup Companies Inc. and Petwa Ltd.. The transaction meets several keystrategic objectives for both Culligan and Novo Water Group.
For Culligan, divesting of WaterGroup removes the channel conflict with their core Culligan FranchiseDealer business, allowing for better focus. Judd Larned, VP of Strategy for Culligan International Company,commented on the decision to sell the business: "WaterGroup was not a great fit with our global portfolioof businesses and did not align well with our primary strategy of growing our core Culligan Franchise Dealerbusinesses."
For Novo, the acquisition of WaterGroup will allow the company to combine the expertise of bothorganizations while becoming a single source for the industry's leading technologies.
"The businesses are very complimentary. Our combined strengths will definitely add up to be much morethan the sum of the parts" added Fettes. "For our customers we expect it to be business as usual.Customers will continue to be served under the current trade names and supplied with the same productsand brands. Combining the experience and depth of both organizations will allow us to provide a higherlevel of customer service and on-time delivery from more locations as we implement the best practices ofboth organizations."
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