Optimal Energy Allocation in Paper Industry by Nature Based Optimization Techniques

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Optimal Energy Allocation in Paper Industry by Nature Based Optimization Techniques

The paper Industry is one of the most profitable industries in the country and it's essential for the sustainable livelihood of any population. It is now a basic need and used for multiple purposes. However, to make the industry profitable we must analyze the reason why it is making a loss. One of the major causes is the unplanned allocation of power among different units of the industry. Instead of allocation strategies, we must look for smart allocation endeavors. In recent years bio-inspired optimization techniques have gained popularity due to their approach to identifying optimality. Instead of following a specific path towards global optima, these algorithms help to start from any part of the feasible zones. This random approach towards optimality ensures universality and consideration of all possible feasibility of the solutions. Moth Flame Optimization Technique or MFT, Water Cycle Optimization or WCO, and Fish Foraging Algorithm(FFA) are some of the recently innovated bioinspired optimization techniques. All these algorithms are population-based and consider every part of the search domain to find the optimal solution. So their potential to locate the best solution among many will help the paper industries to allocate power not only optimally but also sustainably such that output doesn't get compromised whereas the expenditures can be made for essential requirements only.

Watch the Video for instructions on how to achieve this objective.

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