OriginClear Cleans Disaster Recovery Water
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Business
OriginClearannounced the successful completion of a joint on-site disaster water cleanup project in Oklahoma City. The company released avideoand an independentwater analysisshowcasing successful results
Heavy floodwaters completely invaded Prime Conduit, an electrical manufacturing plant in Oklahoma City. The cleanup process created highly contaminated water, which OriginClear processed using its self-contained mobile demo unit, which was able to recover more than two-thirds of the total water.
"The OriginClear cleanup service surpassed our expectations," said Talbott Howard, CEO of E3 Services and Solutions, Inc. "We knew this water had heavy metals and other industrial contaminants, but was diluted by a lot of recoverable water. The OriginClear ‘crash truck' reduced visible contamination in the recovered water by 99.9%, making it appear clear to the eye. The city of Oklahoma permitted the water to be disposed directly into its sewer system, which is a huge cost benefit for our customers."
After inspecting the process, Jeff Wells, owner of locally based Wells Oil Company, said: "I think it's a great opportunity for the state of Oklahoma to look at, especially in the oil and gas industry, when we deal with fracking and disposing of the frack water. It could impact the bottom line of the smaller operators very effectively."
"Normally, all of the cleanup water has to be trucked to hazardous waste disposal," saidRiggs Eckelberry, OriginClear CEO. "That is expensive, wasteful and pollutes unnecessarily, since most of it could actually be recovered for beneficial use. On-site water cleanup greatly reduces the amount that has to go to disposal. This is a win-win for cleanup operators, insurers and the whole community."
Talbott Howard agreed: "This test project demonstrated the potential of this business model at scale. Disaster recovery companies could increase their revenues by recovering much of the water themselves and making it available for reuse," he said. "We started in environmentally conscious California and we are now exporting this model to the rest of North America. We're very proud of this first major win in the Midwest!"
Source: Business Wire
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