Ozonation Cooling Tower Water

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Ozonation Cooling Tower Water

Ozonation system for circulating cooling tower water

Because of its powerful oxidation quality, ozone is widely used for water treatment.

These days it has come to be considered as a way of treatment of cooling water at some power plants.

The followings are ozonation systems for the treatment of circulated water to prevent biological growth, corrosion, or scaling inside heat exchanger.

1. Direct Injection

In this system, cooling water is pumped from the basin to the top of the tower passing through a heat exchanger. Ozone is injected into this circulation line directly to prevent the formation of scale inside the heat exchanger.

This system may be used on a small scale.

2. Side Stream

This system is similar with that of No. 1.

A part of the circulation water is diverged and injected with ozone. This ozonated water joins the main line so as to prevent the formation of scaling inside the heat exchanger.

This system may be used on a large scale.

3. Circulation treatment of cold water basin

In this system, cooling water is circulated at two points in the cooling tower. One point is that from the basin to the top, the other is that within the basin. Ozone is injected into the circulation line within the basin to disinfect the cooling water.

Also, ozone is used for the treatment of make up water. By combining the treatment of circulation water and make up water, the requisite amount of ozone can be reduced compared to just the treatment of circulation water.

Source: Toshiba

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