Perth Groundwater Replenishment Plans Doubled

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Perth Groundwater Replenishment Plans Doubled

Joint Venture Known As CHT JV Alliance Selected to Undertake the Country'sFirst Full-scale Groundwater Replenishment Project

A 50/50 joint venture between Thiess and CH2M Hill, known as CHT JV Alliance, has been selected to undertake the country's first full-scale groundwater replenishment project in alliance with Western Australia's Water Corporation.

The award follows a three-year groundwater replenishment trial at the Beenyup Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) site at Craigie, in Perth's northern suburbs.

The project was originally proposed to develop the full-scale, 74,712 m3/d (19.7 MGD) facility in three separate stages.

However, a competitive tendering process resulted in strong competition, and the State Government said that it was able to get the first two planned stages—with a combined capacity of 37,356 m3/d (9.9 MGD)—built for an estimated cost of A$124.6 million ($115.6 million), saving A$24 million ($22.3 million) in the process.

The new advanced water recycling plant (AWRP) will use secondary effluent from the Beenyup Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) as feedwater for a UF, RO and UF disinfection treatment scheme to produce water that meets or exceeds the country's drinking water standards. The high-quality AWRP water will then be injected into local aquifers to boost Perth's drinking water supplies.


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