Professor Develops "Plastic Bottle" Solution To Remove Arsenic From Drinking Water

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Professor Develops "Plastic Bottle" Solution To Remove Arsenic From Drinking Water

The Indian Express (9/2) reports, "In a bid to remove high levels of arsenic in drinking water, scientists have described a simple, inexpensive method for removing arsenic." Tsanangurayi Tongesayi, Ph.D., professor of analytical and environmental chemistry at Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ said that "dealing with arsenic contamination of drinking water in the developing world requires simple technology based on locally available materials." He added, "Our process uses pieces of plastic water, soda pop and other beverage bottles. Coat the pieces with cysteine - - that's an amino acid found in dietary supplements and foods - - and stir the plastic in arsenic-contaminated water." Read more:

