PTG’s two-for-one renewable wastewater disinfection technology
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Technology
Pasteurization Technology Group's Greg Ryan Presents "The Future of Water" at GoingGreen Silicon Valley 2012
PTG is the first and only company in the world to combine wastewater disinfection with renewable-energy generation. PTG's patented technology can use either the digester gas (often referred to as biogas, a natural by-product of wastewater treatment) or natural gas as fuel to drive a turbine or engine that generates renewable electricity. The hot exhaust air from the turbine or engine—energy that is typically wasted—is then passed through a series of customized heat exchangers that increase the temperature of the wastewater to a level that disinfects the wastewater stream. PTG's technology is significantly more cost-effective and more energy-efficient than other methods. And, unlike other wastewater disinfection approaches, PTG's systems do not require toxic chemicals (such as chlorine) or costly electrical power and expensive UV lamps.
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