Question Answered In 2012 by Syngenta

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Question Answered In 2012 by Syngenta

Syngenta yield data indicates Quilt Xcel fungicide helped corn and soybeans in drought-stressed regions across the U.S. better tolerate the 2012 drought.

Quilt Xcel has been shown to reduce stomatal conductance, or the passing of water through the plant stomates, the natural openings in plants that allow exchange of water and gases. This improves a plant's water use efficiency. As plants regulate water loss more efficiently, soil moisture is conserved and plants are better equipped to tolerate periods of hot, dry weather.

"I had a lot of farmers and relatives asking if they should apply fungicides this year and wondering if they should spend the money," said Dave Keffeler, corn grower in Remsen, IA. "We ended up investing in a fungicide application and saw a 17 bushel yield increase where we applied Quadris fungicide followed by Quilt Xcel."

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