Rain on Request?

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Rain on Request?

"Rain on Request" Says It Could Install a Bunch of Electrical Towers and Create an Ion Field to Literally, Make it Rain

California is in one of its most historic droughts in a hundred years. And while recent rain has put a dent in it -- the state still needs more water. One company says it has the solution: providing "Rain on Request."

A new Miami-based company called "Rain on Request" says it could install a bunch of electrical towers and create an ion field to literally, make it rain.

Rain on Request manager Larry Gitman says one of their systems could make it rain within a 24 kilometre radius.

Each system consists of a primary 100-foot tower and ten 40-foot towers. The low-watt electrical towers create an ion field - which would create rain clouds.

"We have tested and proven the system on a fairly wide scale in the Middle East," Gitman said.

He says they're using anIndiegogo on-line campaignto raise $1 million to build one system in California.

"For all of California, we need about 200 stations and it would cost less than a hundred million dollars," added Gitman.

With that - Gitman says the state would be drought free forever - and at a fraction of the cost of the $7.5 billion water bond voters approved on election day.

"And we would be able to restore rainfall levels throughout the entire state of California back to healthy norms."

Several water districts declined to comment - saying they didn't have enough information. However - two experts said the system could work but it would basically be preventing rain from falling somewhere else -- making Rain on Request a little more controversial.

Source: The Weather Network

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