Rainwater Harvesting: A Self-Funding Stormwater Utility | The Rain Saver

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Rainwater Harvesting: A Self-Funding Stormwater Utility | The Rain Saver

This proposal will explain how using rainwater harvesting as a Best Management Practice (BMP) to reduce flows during rain events and use the water for non-potable needs. Water captured from storm events can be sold to customers needing non-potable water through the leasing of tanks.


 Components of the Plan Include:

By managing rainwater and stormwater efficiently would insure plenty of water for generations. Expanding the reservoir system with the cost of land, new infrastructure, energy use, environmental issues and the loss due to evaporation seems futile. A decentralized system can be implemented within several years instead of the decades it takes to complete a reservoir. With drought conditions forecast through out the world, now is the time to consider implementing this plan.

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