Rainwater Microturbines Purify Water, Make Some Electricity

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Rainwater Microturbines Purify Water, Make Some Electricity

The parts of the world that lack for consistent electricity also, unfortunately, often lack for consistent clean water. Students at the Technological University of Mexico have come up with a simple system to at least partially address both needs using a microturbine and collected rainwater.

They named the device Pluvia, and tested it in a large, poverty-stricken part of Mexico City calledIztapalapa. Rainwater is collected by funneling it into a gutter on the rooftop, or by adding sheeting to simulate a slope. The water passes through a filter, specifically designed to clean rainwater during the first two weeks of the rainy season, which has higher acidity and contaminants; that water is stored in a tank. A pump then helps the remaining water flow past the small turbine, which generates the electricity.

Importantly, that pump does still require more energy than the turbine can output, according to an email from spokesperson. The idea is more to gain back some of the power needed for the original purpose of water purification; if electricity resources in an area are limited, this does provide benefit. The device's microturbine generates enough only to recharge 12-volt batteries. The students are trying to increase both generation and storage capacity, however, so as to allow the system to help power both the pump and even the small homes in the area.

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