Revolutionary Water Treatment Tech

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Revolutionary Water Treatment Tech

ABSOLUTE WATER, a Division of Indo American Chemicals, has successfully finished installation of 'toilet-to-tap' Waste Water Treatment Plant for the Delhi Government 

According to the revolutionary technology created by the Company, 85% of the raw sewage water, once taken through the correct processes, can be converted to safe drinking water.  

India’s first such plant producing 100,000 litres of clean drinking water per day was inaugurated on July 9 by the Delhi Chief Minister, Shri Arvind Kejriwal at Keshopur in Delhi. Shri Kejriwal said such localised plants can be the ideal solution for Delhi’s water woes and sanitation problems. The conventional methods cost large amounts, besides needing infrastructure like laying of sewer pipelines.

“Our system will go a long way in alleviating the sewage treatment problems for not just Delhi, but the same model can be replicated throughout the country. The treated water can be used for recycling thereby augmenting the dwindling water supply. Similar processing and recycling of water is being carried out in Singapore and Australia among other countries and it is perfectly safe’ said Mr. Singhal, president, indo American Chemicals.

The process though simple works on the principal of vermi-filtration where specially bred worm species and a mix of bacteria act on the suspended and dissolved solids in the raw sewage and biologically degrade in an environmentally safe manner.

The World Health Organization estimates that 97 million Indians lack access to safe water today, second only to China. According to the 2011 census, India has only 1,000 cubic meters of water per person, even using the higher estimate. 

Source: India Education Diary

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