Rio de Aguas Drying up Due to Industrial Olive Farming

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Rio de Aguas Drying up Due to Industrial Olive Farming

Local communities are having to import their water as wells run dry and sustainable farmers are forced to watch their land become a desert

WHY? ...because the fossil water aquifer underlying the Sorbas/Tabernas basin in the Province of Almeria, Spain has been breached by countless illegal boreholes (manmade wells that are used to pump water to the surface), sucking dry all natural springs.

Vast tracts of semi-arid desert in the Sorbas/Tabernas area, recently purchased, are being terraformed and intensively planted with millions of olive trees...drip irrigated by water extracted from the aquifer...with no regard for the environmental impact.

The Los Molinos del Rio Aguas spring has decreased dramatically from 40 litres per second to 3.2 litres per second in just a few years.

This spring created an oasis which provides a home and habitat to unique flora and fauna. It is located in the Parque Natural Karst en Yesos de Sorbas, a unique karst landscape composed of gypsum (yeso). This park contains gypsophyte flora of exceptional botanical interest, with many rare or endangered species, including the southeastern peninsular tortoise, Tortuga Mora (assessed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List). As the spring dries up due to the over-exploitation of its supporting aquifer, the river it creates is dying. An entire ecosystem will cease to does the livelihood of 7,000 people, already affected by water shortages.

Due to the inaction of the local authorities we contacted the EU regarding these breaches in water regulations, the Habitats Directive and Natura 2000. Their subsequent investigation concluded that there is indeed a breach of their regulations occurring... however, they will not take action at this time , instead will add our case to a list of cases they are putting together against Spain in general. The timeline for this larger case has not been confirmed but it will be too late for El Rio De Aguas.

Unless immediate action is taken el Rio de Aguas DIES...

We ask the European Union to URGENTLY enforce protection for the Paraje Natural Karst en Yeso de Sorbas, protected under European Law, LIC Directive 92/43, Special Protection Areas for Birds, ZEPA, Directive 79/409, and Special Area of Conservation, Habitats, ZEC, integral to the Natura 2000, Directive 92/43. This protected area no longer has sufficient water to maintain the eco-system protected under EU Law.

• We ask for the EU to step in NOW.

• We ask for, at least, a temporary closure of all "boreholes", using the "precautionary principle", pending their environmental impact study.

• We ask the EU to uphold its own regulations protecting the Rights of Nature over corporate greed.

Please add your signature to our petition here

Source: Care2Petitions

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