Russian Pipelines Start Supplying Fresh Water to Crimea
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Government
Russian geologists have tapped a fresh water supply in Crimea which will allow for the delivery of water throughout the peninsula via new pipelines; the Russian Defense Ministry has sought to provide Crimea with more water since Ukraine's new authorities blocked access a year ago
Units ofthe Russian Defense Ministry have started supply water toCrimea using new pipelines; the goal is tofill the main waterway ofthe Crimean Peninsula, the North Crimean Canal, and tocreate a network ofpipelines tosupply water tothe largest cities inCrimea's eastern areas, news reports said.
At least forty kilometers ofpipes have already been laid, withwater being supplied tothe North Crimean Canal, which was blocked bythe Ukrainian authorities a year ago.A spate ofwells have been drilled inthe eastern part ofCrimea, where geologists have discovered three aquifers located ata depth of200 meters.
Water fromthese sources is expected tobe delivered tothe drought-stricken Kerch Peninsula ineastern Crimea; the projected capacity stands at175,000 cubic meters per day.
Igor Val, head ofthe Crimean Committee ofWater Resources, said that he remains optimistic aboutthe peninsula's water supply ahead ofthe beginning ofthe summer holiday season inCrimea.
The new network ofpipelines is due topump an average offorty million cubic meters per year; it will be enough tosupply water tothe 500,000 people who currently reside onthe Kerch Peninsula.
Source: Global Research
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