Scaling Prediction Software by H2O Innovation

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Scaling Prediction Software by H2O Innovation

Improved scaling prediction software launched by PWT Business H2O Innovation Inc. ("H2O Innovation") wishes to make an update on the activities of its specialty chemicals business sector known as Professional Water TechnologiesTM ("PWT" or the "Company"). PWT, a specialist in membrane filtration chemicals and membrane forensics services, is proud to present today its updated proprietary scaling prediction software, ProDose XPRTTM

Improved scaling prediction software

The new version of PWT's proprietary scaling prediction software, ProDose XPRTTM, to be made available next month, is armed with new calculation algorithms based on the latest US Geological Survey (USGS) speciation and saturation-index calculations, making it more precise, and therefore more reliable. In addition to the use of new algorithms, several new functionalities will be introduced. Users can now create cases to study multiple operating conditions, and directly enter concentrate analyses, leading to the optimal selection of PWT products and dosages. The reports generated by the scaling prediction software have also been improved for content and readability. "We are excited to release ProDose XPRTTMwhich has received a fresh new interface allowing for a more efficient and refined user experience. Important improvements were made, in particular to our saturation modeling, making ProDose XPRTTMan essential tool for system operational design. We've also added new features which make the arduous task of creating projections and calculating dosages that much easier" mentionedRyan Furukawa, Director Specialty Chemicals at PWT.

Available upon request only, ProDose XPRTTMwas developed for our distributors, operators and engineers to help them better advise, operate and design water treatment systems. The new ProDose XPRTTMwill facilitate their work and provide them with reliable information benefitting users of PWT specialty chemicals.

Regional Sales Manager forCalgary

The PWT commercial team continues to grow with the addition of a new Regional Sales Manager. Mr.Mazen El-Labban'scommercial and technical knowledge in the mining and oil & gas industries will benefit PWT as it grows within those industrial segments. Furthermore, his contacts and working knowledge of theMiddle Eastwill stimulate the Company's presence in this region as well.

Prior to joining PWT, Mr. El-Labban worked as a Sales Manager for a company offering water and wastewater solutions. His duties included identifying and developing new market opportunities, delivering sustainable sales growth and managing the complete bid-sale cycle of municipal projects; all experiences that will help him in his new role at PWT.

Expending our presence inthe Philippines

PWT is proud to announce the addition of Promark Process International Corporation ("Promark"), an affiliate company of Promark CorporationUSA, to its international distribution team. Promark, a global chemical and equipment solution provider will distribute PWT's entire line of specialty chemicals inthe Philippineswhere it offers pre-engineered solutions to a wide spectrum of industries, and also customized chemical and equipment solutions for medium to large water infrastructures plans and projects.

Promark is excited about the upcoming opportunities to develop and service its market by offering Professional Water TechnologiesTMhigh performance reverse osmosis chemicals and membrane cleaners to its clients.

Source: PR News Wire

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