Sensors to Track Changing Water pH Levels

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Sensors to Track Changing Water pH Levels

Called Drop, it uses a range of sensors to track changes in the water's pH level, sanitation and temperature and sends these readings in real-time to an app

The app doesn't specifically highlight whether urine is present in the water because each person's urine has a different pH level. Instead the app is used as a guide. 

The concentration of the urine will also depend on the size of the pool, but the app lets users customise this to make the readings as accurate and sensitive as possible.

Drop is also fitted with a built-in 3-axis accelerometer safety feature that alerts pool owners to movement.

Although this is less useful when visiting public pools because there will be lots of movement detected.

However pool owners and holidaymakers with a private pool can use Drop to monitor disturbances.

This feature was added by Drop Designs boss Alvaro Alliende after his nephew almost died when he fell into a pool. 

In addition to warning users that the pH levels have changed, the Drop app can also be used by companies to monitor when the water needs more chlorine, for example.

health experts from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Water Quality and Health Council and the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) launched a campaign to educate people on the dangers of urinating in a pool. 

According to a survey conducted by Survata on behalf of the Water Quality and Health Council, nearly half of Americans surveyed incorrectly believe there is a chemical added to pools that turns a conspicuous colour in the presence of pee.

In the same survey, 71 percent also incorrectly blamed chlorine for causing swimmers' eyes to become red and irritated. 

Source: Daily Mail

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