Sensus Lab Opens

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Sensus Lab Opens

Sensus Showcases Technology through Demo Lab in North Carolina's Research Triangle Park

Sensusis offering customers a chance to test drive products and solutions at its Research Triangle Park demo lab. Simulating operations of Sensus' offerings in a real-time, real-world environment, the lab brings to life the company's integrated technology solutions. Public service providers, including utilities, can see firsthand how Sensus can help them do more with their infrastructure through the application of technology and data-driven insights that deliver efficiency and responsiveness.

"The demo lab is another example of how Sensus partners with its customers in responding to their needs—both today and in the future," said Dave Ayers, Sensus vice president of engineering. "With its 13,000 gas, water, electric and outdoor lighting endpoints, a smart home, and working water tower and sink, the facility is a haven for demonstrating infrastructure monitoring and control."

The lab features a fully functional SensusFlexNet™ system, a long-range radio network that serves as a dedicated and secure two-way communications highway for multiple applications. Within the lab environment, customers can experience meter reading, leak detectionDemand Response,Automation Control,Lighting ControlandData Analyticssolutions.

"With each live or remote demonstration, customers tell us how helpful it is to have a hands-on experience with the technology and to see for themselves just how well it works," said Ayers.

Source: Business Wire

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