SEVA Wins Vodafone Wireless Innovation Project

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SEVA Wins Vodafone Wireless Innovation Project

SEVA's Cid and Finke developed a mobile technology to manage wastewater treatment

1st place  Seva Sustainable Solution, Caltech

Clement Cid, Ph.D. candidate Cody Finke, Ph.D. candidate

Cid and Finke developed a mobile technology to manage wastewater treatment. The idea stemmed from the fact that over two and a half billion people suffer inadequate or nonexistent access to sanitation facilities, and it's been difficult to find affordable and efficient mechanisms to monitor and maintain these systems.

Their solution includes an app which can diagnose problems and notify users of solutions and status updates.

The following Q/A was provided to me via a representative of Vodafone, who arrange to put me into contact with Cid and Finke.

SM:  What did you do to earn 1st place in the Wireless Innovation Project?

Cid/Finke: "We listened to the end user of novel sanitation technologies in the developing world, specifically users of our Gates-funded human wastewater treatment system in India and China."

SM:  "How will the win help you achieve your objectives?"

Cid/Finke: "We are going to build and field test prototypes of this technology. First on the solar toilet installed on Caltech campus and then in the prototypes installed in India and China."

SM:  "What do you have planned for next year?"

Cid/Finke: "We need to interface our code with inexpensive and durable electronics and sensors to build our alpha-prototype. By the end of next year this alpha-prototype will be implemented and tested on our Reinvented Toilet on Caltech campus and later in India and China."

Source: TechRepublic

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