Shortage of water and solutions

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Shortage of water and solutions

Most of the people are now talking about water Actually the water problem is very simple to understand. The development activities (particularly by the governments) have very dangerously, adversely affected and damaged the natural water resources channels and reservoirs. Mining and construction activities have heavily damaged the water resources. The solution is also very simple, which is to stop exponential growth of human population and to reduce use of water in agriculture activities. The nations having too less young population, may like to attract young people for their requirements from nations, which have lot of young people.  

We have to think for new ways to reduce population, population density and use of water in agriculture. The rich and mighty people on earth are also responsible in a big way for wastage of precious water and water resource, who need to be curbed by national / international laws with provisions of snatching their wealth by the Government and put them in prison for number of years.  Every construction and obstruction activity in flood plain areas causing hindrance in free flow of water, should be removed and person / ministers/ politicians/ government officials responsible for it should be put in prison for several years in addition to financial punishment

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