Sink or swim report says cooperation is key to managing water risk
Published on by Water Network Research, Official research team of The Water Network in Academic
A report launched this week says cooperation is key to securing future supplies and managing scarce water resources.
TheSink or Swimreport from theCambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership(CISL) urges cooperation between businesses, water companies and the government. The report from the Natural Capital Leaders Platform at CISL is the result of a collaboration between nine companies across six sectors that examined new strategies to manage water resources.
The collaboratory report presents four new financial models, each of which offers an innovative approach to achieving multi-sector water investments. It was launched at the Royal Society on 3 June in the presence of Dr Paul Leinster, chief executive, Environment Agency, Peter Simpson, chief executive, Anglian Water and project participants, including Chris Brown, sustainable business director at Asda.
Chris Brown said: "Inconsistent or unreliable supply of produce - caused by water scarcity or flooding - has a direct impact on supply chains. Retailers cannot act alone to manage necessary water supplies: a collaborative approach is needed, which is why we are pleased to be part of this initiative."
The models were developed by examining the value of water to different sectors and scrutinising various income and finance streams. They present a broad spectrum of options for cross-sector collaboration and finance, ranging from more conventional water-company-led approaches to pure private sector initiatives. They challenge the current single sector approach and encourage joint investment by a variety of stakeholders, including water companies, retailers and farmers.
The aim of the collaboratory models is to enhance stakeholders' resilience to water shortages, including by securing the long-term supply of produce from farmers to retailers, and offering water companies the opportunity to expand their business beyond the regulated public water supply.
Dr Gemma Cranston (programme manager, CISL) said: "I believe that the Sink or Swim work places business in an excellent position to navigate the collective action that is required to address water resource management across sectors and alongside government. This innovative thinking has laid the groundwork for multi-sector plans and approaches to be implemented."
Peter Simpson, chief executive of Anglian Water, added: "Ensuring that water is carefully stewarded and available in sufficient quantity and quality is a vital component of business success. Water scarcity can damage productivity, disrupt supply chains, put water users in competition with each other, and ultimately harm corporate trust and reputation. These risks impact sectors in many different ways, but collaboration and innovation are absolutely key to achieving resilience and to protecting the economy."
Details here
- Scarcity
- Governance & Policy
- Aquifer Recharge