Small Hydro Metering

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Small Hydro Metering

Massachusetts Eyes Net Metering for Small Hydropower Projects

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities issued notice of a technical conference to study proposed net electricity metering by small hydroelectric projects. The conference is scheduled Nov. 7, with comments to be filed by Dec. 5.

Net metering allows customers to receive credits for any electricity they generate but do not use. To qualify for net metering in Massachusetts, a customer can install any type of generating facility, including a hydro plant, as long as the facility is smaller than 60 kW. Facilities up to 2 MW, or 10 MW in cases of certain public facilities, are eligible for net metering if they generate electricity with wind, solar photovoltaics or anaerobic digestion, or if they are Agricultural New Metering Facilities.

Under current rules, hydroelectric facilities that are larger than 60 kW and are not ANMFs are not eligible for net metering.

Legislation signed in August by Gov. Deval Patrick directs the DPU, in consultation with the Bay State Hydropower Association, to study the feasibility, impacts and benefits of allowing electric distribution company customers to net meter electricity generated by small hydroelectric facilities. The agency is to report its findings to the Legislature.

Source: Renewable Energy World

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