Soil Health Tool

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Soil Health Tool

The Tests Evaluate Relationships Between the Soil's Physical Properties and its Biological Processes

The tests evaluate relationships between the soil's physical properties and its biological processes. This, in turn, suggests the level of microbial activity and its effect on soil respiration. Estimating plant-available fertility is then possible.

"This is the first test that combines an analysis of the chemical, physical, and biological components of the soil," says Gabe Brown, an early user of the testing process who farms and ranches near Bismarck, North Dakota. "This test uses that information to show nutrient availability for the next year's crop."

The Soil Health Tool measures the following eight indicators of soil health.

"I've been growing cover crops for years, and my soils are presently testing very high in microbial activity. As a result, they're also high in inorganic nutrients," says Brown.
He draws soil samples for testing from late May through early July, when the biological activity in the soil is strongest.

Source: Agriculture

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